Action Plan

December 17, 2014

I've been stuck in limbo since I finished my bachelor and every single day my chest feels a little tighter. Like it's harder to breathe. But I'm not one to give up, so I'm making a plan. I believe success is the direct result of will, consistency and hard work, and as the daughter of a professional goal achiever, I will follow my father's expert advice and make a plan. Today I'll reflect on my main goals and tomorrow I will develop more of a plan of how to get there.

Becoming a yoga instructor has been a dream for a few years. At the moment I don't feel ready, but unless I make concrete plans to complete a course in the near future, I will be saying that till its too late. 

I have so much I'd like to share and I rely on blogs for inspiration and information. I've made amazing friends, discovered incredible destinations and I keep finding inexhaustible sources of inspiration to be more creative and live a better life. I hope to contribute to this pool of inspiration and perhaps eventually make a living of it. 

In Norway most universities are completely free of charge, however, for some reason the creative disciplines doesn't seem to hold as much value to the government and thus aren't as widely supported. There are a few sponsored spots, and I mean a few, like 15-20, and they are for master studies, not bachelor, so when I decided to study interior design in order to get into the creative industry (not to become an interior architect) a private school was the only option. I chose to spend the money because I want to be challenged creatively every day and have a job that I love. 

No matter what, these are the overarching hopes for my life. 

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