Black Friday Conscience

December 4, 2014

Norway doesn't really have Black Friday. It certainly can't be compared to the madness in the states or the UK. However, although perhaps sad, so much of both my work and personal life takes place online, so I couldn't help but get sucked into the viral Black Friday insanity. Within 5 minutes I had 15 tabs open all with different sales and coupon codes and overviews of where to find the best deals. Luckily, I have terrible commitment issues when it comes to online shopping, so nothing came of it.

Tonight however, I came across a blogger who recommended buying jewelry from Urban Outfitters and I couldn't keep myself from having a look. It was all beautiful. And I kept adding things to my viral shopping cart. I continued being amazed at the deals and all I could get for so little. After half an hour of intense window shopping I was just tired, and that's when I finally landed. I started asking myself the questions I should've asked before following a single link or ad; will buying this make me happy, what is it made of and how was it made, what will come of it when I throw it away and am I the kind of person to give into a gimmick to make money,

I turned to trusty google to find inspiration for things to do instead of shopping and found this amazing list of 56 Things To Do Instead of Spending Money over at And Then We Saved. My favorites are no. 4, 10, 34 and 46, mostly because they would make me feel productive and like I'm actually doing something good for myself and my life instead of wasting all I have on things I really don't need. Also, I'm leaving my little home town in a few months and I need to save to make the move abroad. 

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