Embarking on my yoga journey

November 28, 2014

I've been doing yoga on and off for a few years. When I moved abroad for college at seventeen I stopped dancing and yoga took its place. I don't actually think I knew I was doing yoga in the beginning. Listening to music and doing my stretching routine always had a meditative effect on me. It helped me relax, regenerate and focus.

After an exhausting final year of university, heartaches and let-downs I re-discovered yoga and its healing effects. This summer I made the decision to go to India one year from now to do a 200 Hour Teacher Training Course. As of today I will do yoga every day till I arrive at the retreat in India. Once a week or so I will post an update and summery as well as share my plans for the coming week.

I think it's beneficial for the yoga practice to have some sort of intent or objective. I often find it very hard to get into the right state of mind in order to reap the full benefits of doing yoga, thus one of my main goals is to spend more time meditating and practicing "letting go" or "shutting out" the noise. I also hope to develop a greater inner calm and gain physical strength and stamina.

I hope you will take part in my journey, comment and share your own. Reading about other people's yoga practices has given me so much inspiration which is one of the reasons I wish to share my own.

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